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Algonquin and muskoka region hiking day

Algonquin's most popular hike and other gems of the region 

Tour Summary

Enjoy one of the most scenic and diverse trails of Algonquin Park. Hike through the lush forests following the shores of the Cache lake and the Madawaska river for a few kilometers while you cross little bridges, waterfalls and dams. Continue climbing a short set of steep stairs to reach the highest point of the trail. Once you reach the summit you’ll be rewarded with a spectacular view over the Cache Lake, a picturesque point for a quick lunch/snack and taking pictures. After our hike we will make a stop at the Lake of Two Rivers to refresh and enjoy the cool breeze coming across the lake. Continue through highway 60 towards Ragged falls. Enjoy a short trail hike with slight elevations and amazing views of the powerful rushing falls from the Oxtongue River. The falls are equally stunning from the top or the bottom area. Depending on time and light condition we may include a short stop in Bracebridge to for a view of High and Potts Falls. During fall, the track and tower trail is one of the most popular destinations to admire the beautiful colors of the foliage and taking pictures. Altough, swimming and a long stop at the lake of two rivers is not available during fall and winter, participants will have plenty of time to enjoy nature. We encourage visitors to make sure what to bring and wear depending on the season they choose to book.

All tours start early to avoid traffic and large crowds at our destinations

Our pick-up and drop-off point is at the Bedford Exit of St. George Station. 

All prices include transportation in a comfortable Van or Minivan, all park and entry fees, snacks and tour guides

Algonquin provincial park: Track and tower trail

Lake of two rivers: picnic area

Ragged falls: Oxtongue river-Ragged falls provincial park 

Trails are well maintained and easy terrain and do not require any steep climbs

Please visit the FAQ section: "waht to bring and wear" . We strongly encourage participants to dress according to the season and weather forecast

  • What is the departure and arrival point of the tour?
    All Hikingdom Inc. tours leave at 7 am from St. George Subway station at the Bedford Exit (1 Bedford Road) and return to the same address.
  • Is there a minimum or maximun age to join the tour?
    The minimum age to participate in our tours is 16. Note that anyone between 16 and 18 years of age must be accompanies by an adult. There is no maximum age to join the tours as long as the particpant is in good shape and willing to compete the trip
  • Is this a pet friendly tour?
    No, unfortunately pets can't join the tour due to considerations such as pace of the tour, transportation, etc.
  • Can I book a private tour for a group?
    Yes, we offer private tours. Please contact us directly for more information.
  • What type of vehicle is used for the trips?
    A (mini) van of 7 to 12 passengers, depending on demand.
  • I have a medical condition/disability. Can I still joint the trip?
    Please check the eligibility critera for more information General eligibility criteria: Must be able to participate independently and voluntarily, comprehend and follow the instructions provided by the tour guides. Since hiking is a physically demanding activity, all participants are required to move and self manage either independently or with minimal assitance. Unfortunately, the areas to visit are not suitable for people with significant mobility difficulties, even with personal assistance. 2. Must be able to comply with the trail etiquette, safety recommendations and rules of the areas to visit. 3. Participants must be able to follow the activities and times arranged for each activity in the tour. Medical eligibility criteria All participants must be in good general health and physically fit to complete a full hiking day trip. 2. All participants are responsible for knowing and monitoring their own health and must inform the staff about any previous o present medical conditions that may prevent them or put them at risk and their fellow hikers. If so, make sure to get a physician's approval prior to join a tour and inform the staff about it. If the condition is acute or severe, please kindly refrain from participate. 3. All participants dependent on medication must be able to self adiminister and monitor their condition and count with the authorization of a physician when required. 4. Pregnant women in their third trimester should refrain from participate and prior this term we recommend getting a physician's approval. 5. If a medical condition arises prior to the tour, participants must inform the staff. Hikingdom reserves the right to allow participation Note: under any circumstance Hikingdom discriminates based on a person physical or mental state. We act in the most transparent way and for the benefit of our clientes. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify that we must anticipate and minimize all the risks inherent in physical activity outdoors. Since safety is our number one priority, participants must understand that all our destinations include
  • What is it included in my hiking day trip?
    Private transportation (mini-van for 8 passengers) 2 Tour guides A basic snack: fruits and granola bar Park entrance/trails and parking fees when apply
  • I am a new hiker, how fit should I be to join a day trip?
    Rating how fit a person should be is difficult, because it is subjective for each one and what is considered easy for some people, could be difficult for others. In general, we recommend that each participant is in good health, capable of being outdoors and manage several weather conditions (heat, cold, wind, snow) and have the ability to walk long distances without mayor inconveniences. Please check the Tour summary and the difficulty rating of each tour. If you still have questions contact us for more information Individuals with specific medical conditions must count with the authorization of their physician in order to participate. If there are ilnesses/conditions that can potentially put you and the group at riks, you must refrain from participate, even if you agree to do it at your own risk. Recent medical conditions that emerged prior to the trip must be notified, thus the staff may authorize of refuse participation.
  • Can I bring my child?
    No, unfortunately this tours are not suitable for children, due to the conditions of the terrain, weather and distances to be hiked.
  • Are there washroom, restaurants and any other facilties at the destination site?
    There are wasroom facilities at certain destinations. There are no restaurants, ATMS and other facilities available at the destination site. Some tours may require to stop at gas stations, convenience stores or coffee shop. Hikers are encourage to bring their own hygiene products (toilet paper, hand sanitizer) This is a list of the places that offer a public toilet/vault toilet. Keep in mind that during winter season usually most washroom facilities are closed. Flushed toilets: Bruce peninsula Natioal park Killbear provincial park Balls falls Lake of two rivers day use area Niagara glen nature centre (niagara river gorge) Niagara falls Vault toilet: Greig's caves Oxtongue river- ragged falls provincial park Track and tower trail No washrooms available: Lion's head trail Hope bay trail Rockway falls Louth falls
  • What if I get injured or require medical assistance during the trip
    If the condition is minor or previously known, hikers may be able to manage themselves. Our tour guides are also ready to assist and monitor you with basic first aids if required. For more serioues situations our tour guides may solicit the assistance of 911 or Parks Canada emergency services. Under any circumstance, our tour guides are allowed to administer medical subtances or provide advanced medical assistance or rescue services. This is be done only by trained and specialized personel. We encourage participants to be physically fit, in good health and to follow the trail safety recommendations to avoid undesirable situations. For more information visit our section Safety hiking tips and Trail etiquette
  • How many hikers will be on a day trip
    Our trips are designed for small groups, minimum 5 and maximun 7 people. Eventually we will upgrade to 12 people
  • I have a dissability, can I still participate?
    There is a minimun eligibility criteria to join a hiking day trip: *All participants must be in good health
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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